Saturday, March 26, 2011

Okay. Here we go!

     So, Media Matters - the liberal media cheerleader - is going to use George Soros' funds to try to bring down Fox News.  Liberal hypocrites everywhere are still smarting from the NPR sting while ignoring the obvious fact that NPR received government funds whereas FNC does not.  NPR deserved to have their sails shredded since they were merrily engorging themselves on our dough (which we were reluctantly required to feed them through the "benign" medium of government).  They then showed their true spite and contempt for we dough-makers only to brazenly announce that they really didn't need what we fed them anyway (sounds like a beggar who also wants to be a chooser).  Fox News Channel does not depend on taxpayers in order to survive - they just need us to tune in so they can round up advertisers.  That's how it's done in the free market.
      Additional proof of liberal hatred of free enterprise and free speech NOT required.  Although, sadly, more evidence will soon be available.